Sunday, October 26, 2014

Doctor Appointment Review: 10/20/2014

Hey everyone! So I just had another doctor appointment but this time it was with a GYN doctor to discuss my periods.

Check out my last Doctor Appointment Review at this link:

Purpose of the Appointment: My primary doctor referred me to see a GYN doctor because of my crazy periods.

What Happened: So I talked to the doctor about my periods and she decided to do a Von Willebrand Genetic Disorder blood test. It's a excessive bleeding disorder that is genetic. You can have excessive bleeding if you get cut and you can develop bruises easily but also women can have abnormal bleeding with their periods. She said it will take a while to get the test results back and if I have this I will have to get my daughter tested. She also switched my birth control method.... I was taking Depo Shots but then she switched it to Birth Control pills where I only take the white pills everyday to stop having periods. I go back in a month for a check up.

*When the test results come back I will do a blog post on it.*

CES <3

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Doctor Appointment Review: 10/14/2014

Hey everyone so I know I am not as active on this blog as I am on my personal life blog but I will be posting more on here when I can because I did start this when I found out I had a bladder disease which I had now for about 4 years now. Nothing really has change in those 4 years because I am still looking for health insurance so I can go see a Urologist and get proper treatment. Anyways I just had a doctor appointment and I thought I would share how it went.

Weight: I weigh 96 pounds now so I did gain about 2-4 pounds. I always had trouble with my weight because I can never gain much weight it's kinda like a roller coaster because I would gain some weight then it will drop sometimes dramatically. I am thinking it has do with my anxiety because sometimes I don't eat well as I should. I would like to weigh at least 105 pounds. My BMI right now is about 20.

Purpose of the appointment: This may be TMI but I went because I am having problems with my periods. My periods are not normal because they would last about 2 weeks or even go for a month or longer. I kinda just had enough of it. Plus I had to get a Depo Shot because that's what I use for birth control right now until they figure out what's wrong with my periods.

What Happened: So of course I got a new doctor which I hate because at this clinic you get a new doctor all the time. Anyways so I told the doctor what has been going on and he basically said there's nothing he can really do because my last doctor run all the test and they came back all normal. The last doctor ran a blood test, pap smear, and a pelvic ultrasound. The results were normal. So all the doctor could do was do a blood test to make sure I did't loose any vitamins or anything since I been on my period for so long. No results yet on that. Next he referred me to see a GYN Doctor to see if she can tell me what's wrong with my periods...... The GYN Doctor is the same doctor who diagnosed me with a bladder disease. I see the GYN Doctor this Monday October 20th and hopefully I get some answers. The last thing he did was give me a flu shot. So right now they are just calling my periods a Dsyfunctional Uterine Bleeding till I get a proper diagnoses.

Thoughts: It's really fustrating not knowing what's going on and not having health insurance.... I am just trying to stay positive and not stress so much. Hopefully I get some answers when I go to my next appointment.

*I will do another doctor appointment review when I go see the GYN. If you don't know I am currently diagnosed with IC and Anxiety Disorder.*

CES <3

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Anxiety Disorder: What Helps Me Relieve Stress 2014

Hey everyone! So not to long ago I got diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I am going to share with ya'll what helps me relieve some stress. My stress levels haven't been so bad lately because I been trying to find things that help me stay calm. Even little things or things you wouldn't think of could help relieve your stress.

What Helps Me Relieve My Anxiety/Stress?

1. Going on walks with Chloe- Usually on the days that I have Chloe I will take her on a walk around the neighborhood in her stroller. We live in the country so it's nice and peaceful not a lot of noise except for when cars drive by. On walks we usually either see cows or horses. It helps me get some exercise and helps me think.

2. Yoga- Yoga is a major thing that helps relieve stress and is good for IC. It helps me relax and helps with the muscles in my body to relax and not be so tense all the time.

3. Reading- When I read books I feel like I am in that story which helps distract me from all my stress. It's relaxing to lay in bed and just read. Right now I am currently reading The Maze Runner book #1.

4. Watching YouTube- When I watch my favorite vloggers on YouTube it helps distract me from my stress.

5. Working on my Blog- When I work on my blog I feel like I am staying busy and it helps with my stress. I actually started blogging to help channel my stress in good way. I feel like blogging is kinda like my diary.

6. Playing with Chloe- Chloe helps me so much just because she makes me smile and laugh. She can keep me busy so I don't stress over everything.

What helps you relieve stress???

CES <3

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Health Update: Overall Health, Pain Journal, Health Binder, and No Health Insurance

Hey everyone so I haven't posted since July 4th so I decided to do a health update. I am going to be talking about a few things such as my overall health, my pain journal, health binder and having no health insurance.

My Overall Health:

I been okay lately except that I am always tired because of my insomnia and with my daughter waking me up at night. My bladder still hurts and I even have pain after urinating, it is not a bladder infection because I got tested it's just something that my bladder does to me. My lower back hurts a lot as well and I been having migraines again. I have some really bad acid reflux lately as well and I been chewing gum and that seems to help a little. My periods are still crazy my last period lasted about 2 weeks which I hate, I still do the Depo Birth Control Shots. I don't take any medicine right now except for maybe Advil or Motrin when I need it. I been doing research on what vitamins help with IC which I will do a blog post on that very soon. I don't want to take any vitamins right now till I figure out what vitamins I really need to take which I know I need a probiotic because I been having stomach issues lately.

Pain Journal:

If you don't keep a pain journal you really should because doctors recommend it to keep track of your pain that way they know how you exactly feel and how they need to treat you. What I write in my pain journal is basically how many times I urinate, pains, exercise and if I take any medicine/vitamins. Doctors also recommend to keep a food diary to keep track of all the foods that irritate your bladder.

Health Binder:

I recently started keeping a health binder which I put all my medical records and anything that has to do with my health in the binder. I also do a lot of research all the time about IC so any information I find I also put that into the binder.

Health Insurance Issues:

So I told ya'll in my last update that I applied for the Medicaid Disability which I just found out I got denied for it. I am very annoyed that I can't get health insurance. American Disability Act and Social Security recognizes IC as a disability but I keep getting denied. Right now I am trying to find all my medical records then I am going to go downtown to see if someone can help me.

I won't give up on trying to find health insurance so I can go see a Urologist and get the right treatment.

*This is my health update for right now. If you have any ideas or tips on getting health insurance please let me know below*

CES <3

Friday, July 4, 2014

Exercise Ideas for People with IC

Hey everyone! Happy Independence Day!!!
Today I am giving some ideas on what exercises you can do that will help people who have Interstitial Cystitis.

1. Walking- Most simple exercise that you can do to help your body.
2. Elliptical Machine- Keeps hips more level and helps with the pelvic muscles
3. Recumbent Bike- (Never heard of this) Suppose to help pelvic muscles
4. Rowing- It isolates the pelvis while giving a great exercise for your body
5. Stretch Classes- Helps reduce chronic muscle tension
6. Yoga- Can help to relax your body
7. Swimming- Find a pool that doesn't have a lot of chlorine in it.
8. Golf
9. Bowling

My exercise is that I walk with my daughter every day and sometimes 2x a day around the neighborhood. I push her around the neighborhood in her stroller. Plus just keeping up with a toddler is a work out!

If you have any tips and ideas for exercise that helps people with IC please leave a comment.....

CES <3

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Mini Health Haul: Healing Bath Crystals, Fish Oil and Herbal Tea

Hey everyone I have a small haul to share with ya'll. Just three things that I picked up that I thought would help with my bladder.

I picked up some Herbal Chamomile Tea that is caffeine free. Chamomile is suppose to be good for the bladder.

This is called Healing Waters Chamomile Green Tea bath crystals. You put 1 cap full in warm water and it's suppose to relax your body. I tried it tonight and it was very soothing so far.

I picked up some Fish Oil vitamins because they are suppose to be good for your body and promote a healthy heart.

CES <3

Friday, June 20, 2014

I am Back! Quick Update (Working on getting Health Insurance)

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting on here I kinda neglected this blog. I am back though and will be posting more on this blog.

So I just went to the doctor couple of days ago and he told me that I need to see a Urologist to start treatment on my Bladder for Interstitial Cystitis. I am just finally glad they decided to actually do something about me being in pain everyday.

Right now I currently don't have any health insurance which that needs to change quickly. I just put in a request with Medicaid to get a form to see if I am able to get Medicaid. I am praying I get this because I need to start treatment.

So another update is I just got diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder which I found out is related to Interstitial Cystitis.

*More to come soon!*

CES <3