Hey everyone! Happy Independence Day!!!
Today I am giving some ideas on what exercises you can do that will help people who have Interstitial Cystitis.
1. Walking- Most simple exercise that you can do to help your body.
2. Elliptical Machine- Keeps hips more level and helps with the pelvic muscles
3. Recumbent Bike- (Never heard of this) Suppose to help pelvic muscles
4. Rowing- It isolates the pelvis while giving a great exercise for your body
5. Stretch Classes- Helps reduce chronic muscle tension
6. Yoga- Can help to relax your body
7. Swimming- Find a pool that doesn't have a lot of chlorine in it.
8. Golf
9. Bowling
My exercise is that I walk with my daughter every day and sometimes 2x a day around the neighborhood. I push her around the neighborhood in her stroller. Plus just keeping up with a toddler is a work out!
If you have any tips and ideas for exercise that helps people with IC please leave a comment.....
CES <3